Whole Wheat is here for you 24 hours a day, to encourage you with the truth from God’s word, His Scriptures and promises that give hope.

God will help us navigate all that is happening in this world (Matt. 6:33; 1 Pet. 1:5). He tells us in John 14:27, not to let our hearts be troubled or fearful but that He gives peace, that the world does not give.  

God is our refuge and strength and He knows who are His (Ps. 46:1; Nahum 1:7). We can have faith and hope in this, as we put Him first and pursue righteousness daily (Prov. 21:21).  As we honor Him, He will fulfill His promises for the righteous.  We come under His protection when we are zealously living for Him every day (1 Pet. 3:13).  

As the world grows darker, let us remember to show love to our neighbor, use the power of prayer and put all that we know into practice, using godly wisdom and discernment (James 2:8; James 5:13-18). He is a shield to those that walk in integrity (Prov. 2:6-7).  As our founder used to say, 'We do our best and God does the rest.'

If you are new to Whole Wheat, check out our ‘Getting Started' page with simple steps to start a life that honors God today.


(with links to take you there):

NEW! Lottery of a Lifetime

Learn about the biggest jackpot in human history here!


Over 70 resources with simple direction on 'how-to' start living for God today.

Bible Studies

Over 200 Bible studies and many subject groupings.


Live sermons on a variety of subjects. 

Daily Grains

Quick and easy Bible study snippets in video format for daily use.

NEW! Movie Short: The Gospel of the Kingdom

Scripture tells us this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world and then the end will come.

NEW! Man of God in Our Midst

Watch the inspiring testimony of our founder in this new biopic.

NEW! Short Film: Message From the Spirit

An important message given to our founder in the middle of night by the Spirit of the Lord. 

NEW! Movie Short: God’s Message to Mankind

Watch this new movie short to learn God’s Message to Mankind.

Video Sermons

Essential sermons with important informtation for today and preparing for the future.

Over 100 Audible Bible Studies

And other voice-over editions of our most popular features.

Purpose of Life

Learn all about why you are here and what your purpose is. 

The Last Days

Learn how you can be ready for the last days and the return of Jesus Christ.

Your Spiritual Health

Learn what God says about how to use your mind, body and spirit for His glory in this feature and it’s not what you are hearing in today’s world.

Need prayer…we’re here.

Sometimes knowing someone is praying with you gives strength and hope.


Resources on peace and the things that bring peace in life according to the God of peace.

The God of Answers

Call out to Him in the midst of your emotions and from the heavens He answers to encourage you.


Learn about the characteristics of God, through Scripture, in these exciting and unique videos.

Wheat For Thought

Quotes from our Bible Studies, brought to you as a monthly inspiration.

Spiritual Boost Camp 

A quick and easy way to increase your knowledge of godly characteristics.

10 Simple Ways 

Videos with simple ways to get involved in a life that pleases God.

Walk in God’s Promises

Take a virtual walk with the Lord as you listen to His promises.

Woman of God Miniseries

Writings of our founder’s wife reimagined in this new video miniseries.

Place of Peace

A place to retreat from the world that inspires you to persevere.

Gospel Music

Music videos to uplift and inspire you.

Scriptural Inspirations

Scriptures of HopeScriptures of PeaceScriptures of Courage

Newsletter Archive

With back issues of the Whole Wheat Newsletter by subject.


Join our mailing list here!

Every two weeks we send out an email to let you know about new features, benefits and when monthly Wheat For Thoughts are posted.

Teaching people how to apply the Bible in their daily lives for over 45 years.

True disciples of God are referred to as wheat, who become whole wheat because they keep the Lord’s Words and put them into action in their lives daily.  


Click on any misconception below to reveal…the truth!

"All you have to do is believe in Jesus to be saved." 

"There is nothing required for repentance."

"You are saved by grace through faith."

"If you say the sinner's prayer you are born again."

"Once saved, always saved."

"Jesus blood covers our sins unconditionally."

"You automatically do good / righteousness"

"You have to go to church"

"You can't lose your salvation."

"You go to heaven when you die."

"Because of God's grace, works are not necessary.

Whole Wheat BASIC Poster