Does God Use Evil Spirits?

Does God sometimes use Satan to do His Will? Yes, says the word of God in Job 1:12 and 2:6. God in heaven uses evil spirits or deceiving spirits to do His Will also (2 Chron. 18:20-22).

The Lord can mix a spirit of distortion in people (Is. 19:14). The misled and the one who misleads belong to Him (Job 12:16). He makes fools of judges (Job 12:17). He takes away judgment or discernment from the leaders of a land (Job 12:20). God makes great nations, then destroys them when they sin (Job 12:23). He actually takes intelligence away from people (Job 12:24). 

I make peace and I create evil. I do all these things, says the Lord (Isaiah 45:7). In Judges 9:23, God sent an evil spirit between Abimelech and the men of Shechem. An evil spirit from the Lord terrorized Saul (1 Sam 16:14-15, 23; 18:10). First Kings 22:21-23 reveals a spirit was talking to the Lord about deceiving someone. God has meetings from time to time with the sons of God, which in this case are angels (Job 1:6; 2:1).

Many excuse these examples because they are in the Old Testament. But God used Satan and evil spirits in the New Testament also.  

Turn to Acts 12:23. Here an angel of the Lord struck King Herod and the king was eaten by worms. Satan demanded permission from God to sift the apostle Peter like wheat, just like he did Job in the Old Testament (Luke 22:31). Evil spirits were pounding on people in Acts 19:16. The apostle Paul was continually being thwarted by Satan (1 Thess. 2:18). Some Christians were being turned over to Satan for the destruction of their flesh (1 Cor. 5:5).

Today the devil is still scheming to get at disciples of Jesus Christ (Eph. 6:11). Satan will cast some into prison in the last days, and God says if they will be faithful for ten days, they will receive eternal life after they die (Rev. 2:10). Many end-time believers will be killed by Satan (Rev. 6:11; 9:15; 20:4).

Yes, God is using Satan and evil spirits in His overall plan of salvation until Christ returns. Then Satan will be put in chains for 1,000 years until he is needed again for a short time (Rev. 20:7-8)! Now you can believe God uses evil spirits because you read it with your own eyes, in your own Bible.