The Story of Our Founder
See the NEW! inspirational biopic here
Ron Brown knew he had been chosen for a special purpose from the time he was a young boy. ℹ️ He saw a vision in the sky he would never forget and would point him on a path of seeking the Lord. Without direction from his parents, as they had no religion or religious background, he would go it alone. For over forty years would devote his life to God’s Ways and seeking out the truth of God’s Word and sharing it with others. He studied the Bible with perseverance and dedication, like he had for nothing else in his lifetime, literally eight to twelve hours a day almost every day of the week. He was a devoted student and teacher.
He knew there was more to God’s Word and God’s Will than just accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior. In his many years of study, the Lord showed him many things, including:
- ℹ️ His purpose in life
- ℹ️ How to be set free from religious captivity
- ℹ️ How to have his sins forgiven and live the blessed life
- ℹ️ How to imitate Jesus Christ and live by every word of God
- ℹ️ How to grow in godly character
- ℹ️ How to have peace and contentment
- ℹ️ How to receive answered prayer
- ℹ️ How to have success in life
- ℹ️ How to be a friend of God
- ℹ️ How to prosper and have hope for his future
- ℹ️ How to receive eternal life
He began writing hundreds of articles, exhausting the subjects of the Bible. He was incredibly passionate and driven to share what God had revealed to him, as it had changed his life. God used him in many ways as he traveled all over the country preaching at churches, conventions, Bible studies, on television and in various groups. He met with many ministers of many denominations and they were always shocked, amazed and flabbergasted at the truth he shared with them. They could not deny his message was from God. Through all of his travels he met so many different people in all parts of the world. They wanted more information, and a newsletter became a way to reach them. This newsletter was designed to help people live for God with the ease and simplicity that God had shown him. While pondering what to call the newsletter, he recalled an incident that had left a great impression on him:
One day, a special man praying over Ron, whom he’d never met, was given an awesome and prophetic vision. As the man went to lay his hands on Ron, he suddenly jumped back and said, “Are you a minister of God?” Ron replied, “Yes, I am.” The man had felt the power of God’s Spirit in Ron. The man approached Ron again and looked up as he lay his hands on Ron. He expressed what he saw in a vision….sheaves of whole wheat. He saw many loaves of whole wheat bread stored up. He said, “The bread is stored up waiting to be given to the people.”
Ron reflected on that prophetic vision and realized it represented all of the carefully researched Bible studies he had written over the years, with God's inspiration, stored up ready to be given out. He then knew that the newsletter would be called “Whole Wheat” (Matt 3:12). He published the newsletter for many years writing God’s wonderful and life-changing truth. His wife Karren, whom lovingly supported his work, wrote articles for a column devoted to women in the newsletter. It has been sent all over the world to reach thousands of people over the years.
This website is a result of the Whole Wheat Newsletter. In this age of technology, it is a more advanced way to reach people farther and wider. We get emails from every corner of the world and now anyone can download our quarterly e-newsletter from anywhere they are in the world. We are also able to offer Ron’s sermons in audio and video format that offer a whole new level of impact. It has added a new dimension to sharing the truth of God’s word, and is very powerful. We have included some of the original gospel music, both he and his wife wrote for their ministry, as well. These beautiful songs encourage you in God's Way’s. They are songs that truly inspire your heart and soul.
Suddenly, in 1997, Ron passed away. Our family was left to continue the work he began; helping others by publishing this website and continuing to publish the Whole Wheat newsletter, so others can continue to benefit from this life-changing information and in turn, they can share it with others too. Ron and Karren were zealous servants who were dedicated to sharing this beautiful and simple truth that has changed so many lives. God bless their memory and the legacy of love they left behind for us.
🎥To hear more of Ron & Karren’s story in
“The Miracle of This Way of Life” mini-movie click here!
Learn what it means to be a Whole Wheat in 5 minutes:
The Purpose of Whole Wheat
Whole Wheat exists to make ready a people prepared to meet the Lord (Luke 1:17). In order to prepare people, they must know and understand God’s word. They must know what God’s Will is so they can do God’s Will in their lives and not be foolish (Rom. 12:2; Eph. 5:17). This is so they can walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects and build godly character (good fruit) by making all their works or deeds good before the Lord. Whole Wheat is also helping people to increase in the true knowledge of God from studying His word (Col. 1:10).
The Whole Wheat is for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness. How can you equip yourself for every good work without studying the Bible, when it is God’s word that explains what these good works are (2 Tim. 3:16-17)?
Whole Wheat is constantly provoking others to more love and good works (Heb. 10:24). It is constantly telling those who believe in God to be careful to engage in good works and that good works are something they must learn to do (Titus 3:8, 14).
We are admonishing others to be examples of good works like Jesus was and to know God’s pure doctrine, which gives you dignity (Titus 3:1).
We realize there are many in the world’s churches who remain worthless for any good deeds. As a result, they continue to live detestable and disobedient lives before God and therefore, deny Him daily, because they are not living like Him daily. Yet, they profess with their mouths that they know God (Titus 1:16).
Through the Whole Wheat, we are helping others to become doers of His word so they are in a saved condition and do not remain deluded (James 1:22). We are telling others to help those in need, whether they be orphans, widows, or whomever they are, because this is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of God (James 1:27; 1 John 3:18-19). We know that only the people who do good for God daily are of God (3 John 11).
So, we are busy making wheat out of tares—whole wheat—disciples of Jesus Christ who are complete. The tares are simply those who never become doers of God’s word (Matt. 13:30). They are also referred to as goats in Matthew 25:33 and 41.
We know that many have given their heart to the Lord and asked Him to be the Master of their life. They have accepted Jesus as their personal Savior. Many say that they have been born again and that their sins have been covered by the precious blood of Jesus. Some were baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, while others were baptized in the name of Jesus only.
All of this means nothing if you don’t become a daily doer of God’s word by being a servant to others for the glory of God. Unless you are putting to death daily the evil deeds of the body and crucifying the flesh with its evil passions and desires, you have not received the true message of the gospel of Jesus Christ (Rom. 8:12-14; Gal. 5:24). There is more to being saved than just thinking you are saved.
Have you worked out your salvation with fear and trembling (Phil. 2:12)? Have you counted the cost (Luke 14:28)? Have you put your hand to the plow (Luke 9:62)? Have you experienced being weary in doing good for others yet? It’s a wonderful feeling (2 Thess. 3:13; Gal. 6:9). Are you a mighty servant of others for God (Matt. 23:11)? Have you overcome the evil pulls of your nature by keeping Jesus’ deeds (Rev. 2:26)? Do you study God’s word on a regular basis? Have you received a love for the truth (God’s word) so as to be saved (2 Thess. 2:10)? Are you seeking or have you sought God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind yet (Matt. 22:37)? Are you relying on man to tell you the truth or are you being inspired by a man to go to God for salvation and to His word for the truth?
You will only know that the truth is the truth when you practice the truth towards others by serving them (John 3:21; 7:17; Matt. 23:11).
All of man’s problems come from living inward—for self. Jesus came to show us how to live outward lives by learning to be servants of others.
God is waiting for many to become doers of His word so He can begin to bless them, change them and give them His new nature (Gal. 4:19). He wants to give us His divine nature (2 Peter 1:4).
Jesus came that you may have life and have it more abundantly. If this is not true in your life now, it can be if you prove that what you read in Whole Wheat is true and then put it into practice in your daily life. Now you know why there is a Whole Wheat.
In His service,
Ron Brown
To read our "Statement of Faith" click here…
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