
"What is Whole Wheat’s Statement of Faith?”

Whole Wheat is a non-profit organization that is not affiliated with any church or church doctrine.  It is an online ministry helping people learn how to study their Bibles, applying God’s word and God’s Way’s in their every day lives, using the example given by Jesus Christ.  Our founder spent his life studying and researching the Bible to better help others understand God’s simple principles of godliness we are to live by.  We believe and have always asked, as you will see throughout this website, that you look up the Scriptures referenced and prove to yourself what is being said.  Our founder always said, “Don’t believe it because I said it, believe it because you read it (in God’s word)!

Whole Wheat believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who came in the flesh and died for the sins of mankind.

We believe that accepting Jesus Christ as our Savior means living a whole new way of life, not living to the flesh with its evil passions and desires, but rather, living to the Spirit, which is committing all our ways to be a blessing to the Lord.

We believe, like the Apostle Paul said, that one should bring forth good deeds meant for repentance and then come to baptism (Acts 26:20; Luke 3:8, 10-11).

We believe that God in heaven sent His Son Jesus Christ, to show us how to love one another.

We believe that if you are to live charitably, you are to live like Jesus Christ gave us example to live in thought, word and deed.

We believe living charitably is putting others first and not keeping track of wrongs committed against us by others. We are to love our enemies and do good to them. This means that we should not knowingly do anything to them that would offend them.

We believe we should be a servant of others for the glory of God (Matt. 23:11). We are in the process of perfecting all of our ways, making them charitable towards others as well as pleasing to God  (Luke 11:41).

We believe when we do everything that is pleasing in God’s sight, we are keeping His commandments and doing His Will (John 9:31). Then we know we will receive what we ask of Him (1 John 3:22).

We believe that by living this Way by serving others, we are obedient and have our sins covered by His blood (1 Peter 1:2; 1 John 1:6-7).

We believe that living our lives to be pleasing to the Lord daily is easy, pleasant, greatly rewarding and life-changing (Matt. 11:30).

We believe we were created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them (Eph. 2:10).

We believe that you cannot earn salvation by good works because it is by grace we are saved and it is a gift; however, daily repentance towards God requires a life of well-doing and He is glorified when we do good for Him (Matt. 5:16). This life of well-doing is called the Way of righteousness in God’s word, and it defines how we are to live daily before the Lord (Matt. 21:32; 2 Peter 2:21).

We believe that putting Jesus’ words into daily practice in our lives are the directions for repentance and eternal life (John 12:49-50; 8:51).

We believe that as God reveals His word to us, we should obey it.

We believe that no one should add to or subtract from Jesus’ words (Mark 7:7).

We believe that pure religion undefiled is serving those in need on a daily basis for God and keeping ourselves unstained by the world (James 1:27).

To find out what it means to be a "Whole Wheat" click here

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