"What is the Best Bible translation?"
The best translation of the Bible is the one that has the clearest meaning to the key verses that explain how to live the Way that Jesus Christ lived.
One example is Titus 2:14. In the original Greek it says, "…cleanse for Himself a people zealous for good works." In the King James Version it says, "purify unto Himself a peculiar people zealous of good works." The New American Standard Version says, "…zealous for good deeds," and so does the Revised Standard Version. The Living Bible, the New International Version, and other modern language versions change, water down and distort this verse, along with Titus 3:8-14.
If you do not maintain good works or good deeds, you have stopped bearing good fruit for God (Matt. 3:10). If you are not zealous for good deeds, you are leaving a door open through which you can be tempted by Satan (1 Peter 3:13; 5:8).
Do you think Jesus Christ overcame the world by doing nothing? Of course not. He overcame the world by doing the Father’s Will - which is righteousness - every day. Jesus only lived to do good towards others, as He instructed us to do daily. Jesus never lived to do His own will but only the Father’s Will, continually (John 6:38).
To bear fruit for God is to practice righteousness (Col. 1:10). To bear fruit is to be a doer of the word (James 1:22). To bear fruit is to experience a change of nature, a change of heart and a change of attitude, as happy slaves of Jesus Christ, until we finally do the Will of God from the heart (Matt. 5:16, 20; 6:1; Eph. 6:6).
The Will of God is righteousness and that is what we are to practice. We do the practicing so God can do the perfecting.
The Bible with the clearest meaning and the most reliable to the original Greek is the 1977 New American Standard Version, but always have a King James Version close by to double-check some passages, as it is the oldest version but not always the easiest to understand. Try comparing 2 Timothy 2:15, Hebrews 12:14, 1 John 5:7 and Acts 12:4 in the New American Standard 1977 and the King James Version.
The 1995 New American Standard Version has removed the archaic Old English - thee’s and thou’s - and updated some of the words for more modern reading, so we may quote from it in some of our features, however, we still rely on the 1977 NASB.
Of course, if you have a Bible that you love and are wearing out for God by studying it daily, just continue and the Lord will continue to teach you through His word.
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