"What is the Bible?"
To best understand what the Bible is, let’s first consider what the Bible is not. The Bible is not an ancient collection of myths or stories or something to put on your coffee table with pressed flowers or a four-leaf clover in it. The Bible is not a book to be ignored, because we will all be judged by the words that are in it (John 12:47-50).
The Bible is, however, a spiritual book of writings by men who were moved by the Spirit of God (2 Peter 1:20-21). The Bible is the living word of God. We are to live by every word of the Bible (Matt. 4:4). It is a book telling us how to obtain eternal life. It contains the answers to all the mysteries of life. The Bible contains the directions on how to enter the kingdom of God, be converted on the inside, and thus, have the peace that surpasses all human comprehension (Matt. 5:20; 7:21; Phil. 4:7).
The Bible tells of all the blessings we will receive for obeying it and all the curses we will receive for ignoring it. The Bible tells us who we are and how to overcome our evil natures. The Bible tells us how we can please God, and what God will do for us when we please Him. If we ignore God’s word by not studying it daily, we are ignoring God (Acts 17:11).
God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, in the weakness of the flesh to show us how easy it is to please the Father and to be rewarded with the free gift of eternal life (Phil. 2:7). Jesus was the living word of God, which means He lived by the words of God. We are to live by every word of God so we can be living words of God also.
The Bible tells us not to be foolish, but to understand what God wants us to do, and then do it (Eph. 5:17)! Jesus said His Way is very easy and pleasant, and some of us will do greater works than He did (Matt. 11:30; John 14:12). The Bible says we are foolish if we think works are not necessary for repentance (James 2:20; Acts 26:20).
We must study God’s word to show that we love God (2 Tim. 2:15, King James Version). We need to engage in acts of righteousness for repentance (Titus 2:7; 3:8). Remember, if the righteous are saved with difficulty, what will happen to the person who continues to live to the flesh and not to the Spirit (God) (1 Peter 4:18; Rom. 8:13)?
Only those who seek God by pleasing Him will find Him. Start today, and you will be on your way. Be a godly example to others for God; be ready at all times to explain the truth to them in love by knowing the Scriptures well (1 Peter 3:15). This is what the Bible truly is for; to learn God’s Will, apply it in our daily lives, and then share it with others.
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