The Story of Our Founder
Watch the inspirational biopic here
Ron Brown knew he had been chosen for a special purpose from the time he was a young boy. ℹ️ He saw a vision in the sky he would never forget and would point him on a path of seeking the Lord. For over forty years he would devote his life to God’s Ways and seeking out the truth of God’s Word and sharing it with others. He studied the Bible with perseverance and dedication, like he had for nothing else in his lifetime, literally eight to twelve hours a day almost every day of the week. He was a devoted student of the Lord and teacher.
He knew there was more to God’s Word and God’s Will than just accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior. In his many years of study, the Lord showed him many things, including:
- His purpose in life
- How to be set free from religious captivity
- How to have his sins forgiven and live the blessed life
- How to imitate Jesus Christ and live by every word of God
- How to grow in godly character
- How to have peace and contentment
- How to receive answered prayer
- How to have success in life
- How to be a friend of God
- How to prosper and have hope for his future
- How to receive eternal life
He began writing hundreds of articles, exhausting the subjects of the Bible. He was incredibly passionate and driven to share what God had revealed to him, because it had changed his life. God used him in many ways, as he traveled all over the country preaching at churches, conventions, Bible studies, on television and in various groups. He met with many ministers of varying denominations and they were always shocked, amazed and flabbergasted at the truth he shared with them. They could not deny his message was from God.
Through all of his travels he met so many different people in all parts of the world. They wanted more information, and a newsletter became a way to reach them. This newsletter was designed to help people live for God with the ease and simplicity that God had shown him. While pondering what to call the newsletter, he recalled an incident that had left a great impression on him:
One day, a special man praying over Ron, whom he’d never met, was given an awesome and prophetic vision. As the man went to lay his hands on Ron, he suddenly jumped back and said, “Are you a minister of God?” Ron replied, “Yes, I am.” The man had felt the power of God’s Spirit in Ron. The man approached Ron again and looked up as he lay his hands on Ron. He expressed what he saw in a vision….sheaves of whole wheat. He saw many loaves of whole wheat bread stored up. He said, “The bread is stored up waiting to be given to the people.”
Ron reflected on that prophetic vision and realized it represented all of the carefully researched Bible studies he had written over the years, with God's inspiration, stored up ready to be given out. He knew then that the newsletter would be called “Whole Wheat” (Matt 3:12). He published the newsletter for many years writing God’s wonderful and life-changing truth. His wife Karren, wrote articles for a column devoted to women in the newsletter. It has been sent all over the world to reach thousands of people over the years.
This website is a result of the Whole Wheat Newsletter. In this age of technology, it is a more advanced way to reach people farther and wider. We get emails from every corner of the world and now anyone can download our quarterly e-newsletter or listen to it in the voice-over edition we offer online. We are also able to offer Ron’s sermons in audio and video format, that offer a whole new level of impact on our podcast and video page. It has added a new dimension to sharing the truth of God’s word, and is very powerful. We have also included some of the original gospel music, both he and his wife wrote for their ministry, as well. These beautiful songs encourage you in God's Way’s. They are songs that truly inspire your heart and soul with the truth of God in them.
Suddenly, in 1997, Ron passed away. Our family was left to continue the work he began; helping others by publishing this website and continuing to publish the Whole Wheat newsletter, so others can continue to benefit from this life-changing information and in turn, they can share it with others too. Ron and Karren were zealous servants who were dedicated to sharing this beautiful and simple truth that has changed so many lives. God bless their memory and the legacy of love they left behind for us.
A letter from our founder’s wife….
An awesome thing happened to me many years ago. I met a man like David, a man after God’s own heart. I did not idolize this man, but was awestruck at the degree to which he sought God. He was a man who’s greatest goal in life was to know God and be God’s friend. God had given this man other talents he could pursue, but he laid aside these physical desires to do the Will of the Lord, to become God's friend.
God gave Ron a special role in life, to minster and teach others how to imitate Jesus Christ. He searched the Word of God and wrote daily, for many hours, to accomplish this. I knew wherever Ron was, he was serving the Lord by serving others. I had complete trust that was always true.
Doing the Will of the Lord was the greatest joy of Ron’s life. Teaching others to serve the Lord, was His second greatest joy in life. He searched the heart of the Lord daily, to help himself and others, serve the Lord more completely. He depended on God’s Spirit to inspire, and tell him, what to write and speak to help others. He spoke of almost nothing else, than that of God’s Will and Ways, and the revelations that God had given him to share.
I loved Ron because he loved God so much. He imitated Jesus Christ, in all his ways.
The thing that made Ron the happiest was when those he taught, to live to please God daily in all their ways (words, actions, and thoughts) were blessed. That was God’s stamp of approval that they were living the abundant life.
He was simply pleased if God would grant him the privilege to teach other men, revealing this mystery to the world as a witness. He did this all with humility, that came from years of pain and suffering, testing and trials, which, were necessary so God could make him ready to teach those whom He would call in the last days. However, God did show me, at one time, that Ron would not always physically be in our midst, to teach and encourage us.
Let’s learn today what God wants us to learn, through this special man God has put in our lives for our good and salvation. This is God’s special man, a man after God’s own heart, Ron Brown.
His wife,
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