Understanding Human Nature

Understanding Human Nature

What is human nature? It is sneaky, indifferent, evil, underhanded, untrustworthy, double-minded, unstable, destructive, degenerative, unreasoning, uncooperative, competitive, vile and evil in every way. It looks for what is wrong rather than what is right (Jer. 6:16). It sees the negative and hates the positive. It is dark because it is evil and hates the light, which is goodness. 

The Bible goes on and on, making list upon list about human nature and the deeds of the flesh (Gal. 5:19-21; Mark 7:21-23; Eph. 5:5; Jude 15-16; 2 Tim. 3:2-4; Rom. 1:29-32; Mal. 3:5). Human nature is evil and contains no good thing. Even the good we do in the flesh, is like filthy rags to God (Is. 64:6). The good we do in the flesh puffs us up, makes us haughty and arrogant, and makes us feel that we don’t need repentance. All the good we do in the flesh is done for self-interest, or for gaining advantage in one way or another.

The good we do in the Spirit, however, is the complete opposite. When we overcome our evil natures by doing good works for God on a daily basis, and heed God’s warnings to do what we do in secret and not blow our horns, we begin to feel our old evil natures die (Matt. 6:1; 5:16, 20). We starve out the evil by just doing good for God with our bodies, our minds and our mouths. We force our bodies to do what is right with the power from the Holy Spirit, whom God gives to those who obey Him (Acts 5:32).

God never made a nature He couldn’t crush, but He does need your cooperation, participation and effort to form Christ’s new nature in you (Psalm 50:22-23). He wants you to practice righteousness for Him daily. He wants you to put your hand to the plow and not turn back, or stop, until that nature is put to death. Then, God has had a chance to perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you in His love (Luke 9:62; 1 Peter 5:10; 1 John 4:18).

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