Data Usage For Streaming Help Sheet
This is general information to help you in streaming our videos using your mobile device, whether it be a smartphone or tablet. This is for informational purposes only and should be verified with your individual carrier. We cannot guarentee any of this information and you should independently verify this information on your own.
What is streaming?
![Mobile Play Photo](_Media/mobile-play-photo_med_hr.jpeg)
A method of transmitting or receiving data (especially video and audio material) over a computer network as a steady, continuous flow, allowing playback to proceed while subsequent data is being received.
Best way to know how much
data you are using:
The most accurate way to figure out how much data you are using, by streaming a video from our website, is to do a test with your carrier. If you make note of the date and video you are streaming (outside of a wi-fi network) and then check with your carrier, they can normally tell you how much data it took to watch with a simple phone call to customer service. If you are home and connected to your own wi-fi network, you will not be using data.*
*Please be sure to contact your individual carrier to verify this information for the carrier you have and find out more about your individual plan.
Data Calculators
Most major carriers also have data calculators on their websites which allow you to figure out how much data it takes for various usage. Be sure to use the specific calculator for your carrier, as the results may vary.
Here are some of them we located online:
AT&T = https://www.att.com/att/datacalculator/
T Mobile = http://www.t-mobile.com/Tools/MBCalculator.aspx
Sprint = https://www.sprint.com/landings/datacalculator/
Verizon = https://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/splash/dataShareCalculator.jsp
These links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by Whole Wheat and wholewheatonline.com of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organization or individual. Whole Wheat and wholewheatonline.com bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content. View our Terms of Service for more information on links provided.
General Info
A test by an outside source, using NetLimiter, showed that playing a Vimeo video on a mobile device used the following data per minute :
For normal video quality = 5.89 MB per minute*
For HD video quality = 45.76 MB per minute*
As you can see, HD play takes 9 times more than normal play.* Please keep this in mind in when you are using HD play.
*This information was obtained online and has not been independently verified by Whole Wheat or wholewheatonline.com. To make sure of your individual data usage you need to contact your individual carrier and do an independent test of your own.
If you are unfamiliar with mega-bytes and giga-bytes
here is a simple conversion:
1000 MB = 1 GB
Streaming is the way of the future and is a more seamless way for you to enjoy our content on multiple devices at any time. We hope the information we have provided will help you. Again, this is strictly for your convenience and you should verify any and all information with your individual carrier so you know exactly what they offer and what your data plan is. We cannot make any guarentees nor do we take any responsibility for your data usage or overages resulting from viewing any content on our website. For additional information click our Terms of Service located at the bottom of any page on our website. It is your responsbility to be informed of your data plan, usage and your carriers rules and regulations.