Spiritual Boost Camp

Scientific studies show that if you begin your day by focusing on a positive action word, you can recall and implement throughout the day, it can have a significant affect on your overall well-being and can even improve your health. The top hospital in the world recommends this exercise, to their patients, in order to promote good health.  When we look in the Bible, we can see this recommendation comes straight from God and the way He designed us (Phil 4:8).

Spiritual Boost Camp is a quick and easy way to increase your spiritual knowledge, reminding you to pursue and practice godly attributes throughout the day, being an example of godliness and letting your light shine for God's glory (Matt. 5:16).  There is one for each day of the month to get your day started in a godly way.  We encourage you to do more in-depth study on these words, to fully appreciate the meaning and how to apply them in your life.  This will help you build even stronger spiritual muscles and give you a greater spiritual boost!

Today's Spiritual Exercise

1. Faithfulness / VO

2. Reverence / VO

3. Endurance / VO

4. Gentleness / VO

5. Diligence / VO

6. Virtue / VO

7. Humility / VO

8. Compassion / VO

9. Decisiveness / VO

10. Dependability / VO

11. Boldness / VO

12. Enthusiasm / VO

13. Flexibility / VO

14. Forgiveness / VO

15. Generosity / VO

16. Gratefulness / VO

17. Sincerity / VO

18. Initiative / VO

19. Justice / VO

20. Loyalty / VO

21. Meekness / VO

22. Obedience / VO

23. Responsiblity / VO

24. Truthfulness / VO

25. Benevolence / VO

26. Wisdom / VO

27. Discernment / VO

28. Discretion / VO

29. Caution / VO

30. Determination / VO

31. Contentment / VO


Learn more Fruits on the Spirit by clicking below:

Fruits of the Spirit

Learn more Deeds of the Flesh by clicking below:

Deeds of the Flesh